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Holiday Wellness Luncheon
Saturday, December 18, 2021 at 1130 am

This is a members only event

The Clearwater Garden Club is happy to present

a "Holiday Wellness Luncheon". 

Featuring Food, Fun and Frolic and a special presentation,

"Body, Mind and Spirit Rejuvenation Using Breath,

Movement and Stress Relief Techniques'', 
by Corinne Rungo, a fitness coach and dance teacher. 

The all inclusive price is only $20.00 per person, and attendance is limited.  So please use the RSVP Form to the right and reserve your luncheon seat NOW. 

The fun begins at 11:30 am.  You must RSVP to reserve your seat. 

Tickets are $20 per person and there will be some very pleasant surprises

in store for you.  Make your reservation TODAY,
by using the RSVP form to the right ===>>>
Click "Donate" to pay and click "Submit Your Order" when finished.
or, If you wish you can pay at the door.  Just click "Submit Your Order"



R. S. V. P.    Form


Pay with the Donate Button and Click, Submit Your Order when done

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Thanks for your order!

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